Thursday, March 22, 2012
No TUSAL photo this month. Not only have I not had time to stitch, we had a major life-changing event yesterday that is preventing me from being home to even photograph the reclaimed pasta jar.

Raymond Joseph Phipps
Born March 21, 2012 at 6:11pm
9lbs 4oz, 21.5in

The Nursery

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wipocalypse - Update #3

Thursday, March 8, 2012
Seeing as my husband and I have been in a mad dash to finish the nursery before "Peanut's" arrival, I haven't accomplished a single stitch this past month. So, rather than post photos showing a lack of progress, I've decided to post a floss toss photo of a project that has yet to be started: Peanut's Birth Announcement.

This kit, from Symbol of Excellence Publishers, is titled "Disney's 101 Dalmatians: Pup & Teddy Bear". As usual, I'll be substituting the included white aida for something a bit nicer, in this case Silkweaver's "Dusty Blue" 32ct Lugana. I'll be adding Peanut's name and birth info under the puppy to make this into a birth announcement that matches our 101 Dalmatians themed nursery.